"Opportunities Always Lie In The Midst of Intricacies"

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Friendship is a marvelous gift. But sometimes, it doesn't represent the whole of what we have to offer. Yet friendship is like a piece of mirror. If you smile at that, it will show you a smile. If you cry on that, it will perhaps unveil you with tears. Friend is someone whom you can share happiness, joy, success, regret, tears and defeat. Friendship is the most unwavering love among mankind.

*Friends* by Jean Kyler McManus

A friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift.

A friend is someone we treasure
for our friendship is a gift.

A friend is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy, and grace.

And makes the whole world we live in
a better and happier place.

Dedicated to my friends who love taking advantages on others.....
Ye Lwin Oo
25 March 2006

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Love Will Never Lie

Love........ What is it so strange about love? Sometimes, it comes to people without forewarning. You would not been expecting things happening to you right now.... And sometimes you may not believe that too...... When you need it, that Love may not be with you. Where's "LOVE" then? It's hiding itself somewhere inside there. But it comes to you while you don't look ahead to and open the doors of your soul by its invisible hands. When it comes to TRUE LOVE, I don't care about the Beauty, I won't talk about Money, whether she comes from Heaven or Hell, I will love her. I will keep loving her more and more.......

Love doesn't need to be initiated by a "guy". Since it is a mutual relationship, either GUY or GIRL may start it. But the concealed tip of LOVE is "sustaining the relationship". Yes, this is far more important than any other thing. Once you started, you have to maintain it forever................

Dedicated to Someone Special...............
